At Little Mountain Baseball, our focus is on developing our players love of baseball while playing in a safe and nurturing environment.
As your child moves up the divisions, it becomes more important for us to understand and see the playing skills, agility and sometimes physical strength within a division. In order to so, we hold evaluations for players in divisions Mini Minor A; Minors B (formerly Minors); Minors A (formerly Majors B) and Majors (formerly Majors A). (We have renamed our divisions in order to realign with the standard nomenclatures of Little League Baseball). These evaluations are used solely to help us form balanced teams and is in no way rating the players for any other reason. Balanced teams within a division ensures that everyone has a great season while playing in a healthy competitive environment.
All players registered in the above divisions will be required to attend an evaluation session:
What can your child expect:
- Come and be ready to participate in a fun and non stressful way
- This is not a test or a Tryout!
- There is no right or wrong way, just their way, we just want to see them play normally
- Come dressed as if they were going to a game or practice, including protective gear
- There will be 5-6 stations where they can show us how they play in that position
- There will be coaches present and recording their evaluations, this is only so that we can keep track of their results. As we will be evaluating around 450 players, it is really challenging for us to remember them all without documentation.
What can you as a parent expect:
- Please bring your child on the assigned date/time (Note: your child must attend an evaluation session)
- Please remind him/her that this is not a test, just another baseball practice, just have fun and be themselves
- There are no spectators allowed, you are welcome to wait outside the facility or walk around the track or village
- Remind your child not to bring any valuables in their backpacks as there will be no one to watch over items left lying around
- Evaluations will be about an hour, detailed instructions will be provided closer to evaluation date
- As mentioned above, coaches will be recording your child’s assessments, these will be ‘seasoned’ coaches and the same ones within a division. This will help ensure that there is a consistent standard within a division.
- The Head Coaches for each division will meet in the weeks after evaluations to review all players evaluations; team drafts will be completed and teams will be announced by Head Coach or Division Manager.
- As there are some overlap of ages within Majors; Minors A & B, there might be the possibility that your child may end up playing in a division lower than which they were registered. There are many factors which affects this decision, but it will primarily be due to player safety reasons. The assigned division will offer him/her a much more enjoyable season and perhaps give them an opportunity to be a leader on that team. If this is the case, either the Player Agent or Director of Operations will contact you directly.
- If your child doesn’t attend an evaluation, they may be assigned to a lower division as we can only use their evaluations from last season, if available, for placement.
- More detailed information will be sent about a week prior to evaluations.
What do we expect from you (as a parent):
- If you want to volunteer, please email Audrey at:
- If you are out of the country and/or unable to attend a session, please email Audrey at:
- If you were a coach last season and want to be part of the evaluation process, please email Audrey at:
- Please, please, please just tell your children to come out and fun, this is not meant to be a ‘do your best’ scenario.
- For more information about what to expect in each division, please click on your respective division. The What to Expect document is located there.
If you have any questions, please email Audrey at: